Sunday, December 4, 2011

Alchemy Market and Wine Bar Crab Mac and Cheese

Review: It's Christmas Party time again for my wife's work and this year we venture out to Murphys CA. We are set up to eat at Alchemy's Market and Wine Bar. Our group menu choices are chicken, steak, salmon, etc. However, my wife's boss Rob who is a fellow Mac fan uses his powers of persuasion to get them to hook us up with their signature Crab Mac and Cheese. They bring it out bubbling for all of us at the table to try and boy was it a treat!

See, when there is something added to Mac and Cheese it changes and usually ruins the consistency of the sauce. For example, adding bacon causes the cheese to become congealed and thick due to all the fat. Adding fish, such as lobster, causes it to become watery and soupy due to the water in the fish. Their recipe, however was not ruined by the crab meat at all. It was primarily a crab dish with Parmesan and pasta in it. So if you're not a fan of crab, you will likely not want it. If you have not had fresh crab before, however, you will likely become a crab eater. The pasta was a rotini and it was very good as well.

Aftertaste: The crab flavor was not fishy at all so it did not have the after taste I was concerned about. It was quite good. It went very well with the wine.

7 minute test: I was very impressed with this test. There was no change at all even near ten minutes of dining on it. Possibly because it came right out of the oven, but then again, I've had bubbling mac before that bubbled and cooled much quicker. It may be the crab retaining much of the heat that helped as well.

Advice: Again, if you're not a fan of crab, keep in mind there is alot of crab in it. The wait staff at the restaurant was very good so you don't have to put in much request aside from ordering it.

Score: 8 for it being a crab dish, staying delicious, and not becoming a watery mess. Very impressive.

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